Health Check: how to soothe yourself to sleep

Health Check: how to soothe yourself to sleep

"Getting a good night of sleep can seem like the most effortless and natural thing in the world, but when we can’t fall asleep it can quickly feel elusive and frustrating. There are a few techniques we can use to help us fall asleep, and some things we should always practise before we go to bed to give ourselves the best chance of being able to drop off easily."

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Free Online Courses for Massage Therapists

Free Online Courses for Massage Therapists

One common thing that I hear from massage therapists, is that they want to update their knowledge but taking time off work and traveling to a course can be expensive. There are a selection of online courses from Ed-X & Coursera that can help massage therapists develop theoretical and practical business skills.

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There’s a strong link between anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, and it goes both ways

There’s a strong link between anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, and it goes both ways

"Good sleep is essential for our mental well-being. Just one night of disturbed sleep can leave us feeling cranky, flat, worried, or sad the next day. So it’s no surprise sleeping problems, like difficulty falling asleep, not getting enough sleep, or regularly disrupted sleep patterns, are associated with anxiety and depression."

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Health Check: are naps good for us?

Health Check: are naps good for us?

"Catnap, kip, snooze, siesta; whatever you call naps, there is no doubt these once frowned-upon short sleeps are gaining acceptance. The increase in popularity is not surprising, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US finding around a third of American adults do not get the recommended seven hours sleep each night."

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