Common skin rashes and what to do about them

Common skin rashes and what to do about them

"Everyone has had the unpleasant experience of a rash on the skin – pink, red or purple, flat or bumpy, itchy, scaly, pus-filled, or just plain unsightly. This variety isn’t surprising, because the skin is a complicated organ."

Image Credit: By Madhero88 and M.Komorniczak - CC BY-SA 3.0,

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The Skin is a Very Important Organ...

The Skin is a Very Important Organ...

"Not only does the skin hold everything in, it also plays a crucial role in providing an airtight, watertight and flexible barrier between the outside world and the highly regulated systems within the body. It also helps with temperature regulation, immune defence, vitamin production, and sensation."

Image Credit: By Madhero88 and M.Komorniczak - CC BY-SA 3.0,

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What are birthmarks and why do we get them?

What are birthmarks and why do we get them?

"Birthmark is the term used to describe any of the large number of common skin marks that are present at birth or appear soon afterwards. It doesn’t mean they were caused by the physical process of birth. Birthmarks generally result from an overgrowth of a structure that is normally present in the skin. For example, an overgrowth of blood vessels produces vascular birthmarks or haemangiomas; an overgrowth of pigment cells produces congenital naevi or moles."

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The extraordinary science of sweat

The extraordinary science of sweat

"As a species, over short distances, we are hopeless runners. We might be able to go a long way but what use is that if we can’t catch anything? The truth is that we never could if it weren’t for several factors that make us identifiably human. And it is our ability to perspire which renders them all effective. So we may have perfect bodies for distance running, but those features that enable us to move so effectively are useless without correct temperature control."

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