Massage therapy and compartment syndrome

exercise induced compartment syndrome

Compartment syndrome

Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is an exercise-induced condition that causes pain, swelling and in severe cases there is associated numbness. Anyone can develop chronic exertional compartment syndrome, but it's more common to occur in runners.

Rest and conservative interventions usually allow symptoms to resolve. It is very rare that athletes require surgical interventions to manage their symptoms, however in these cases massage therapists should be aware of how they can contribute to post-surgical rehabilitation programs (Flautt et al. 2013Schubert 2011).

Post-surgical rehabilitation

Papers have highlighted potential consequences of pathological post-traumatic healing, as a result many rehabilitation programs use mechanical means to improve healing (Thompson et al. 2016). As part of this rehabilitation strategy, there is evidence to suggest that in addition to managing pain and discomfort, massage may also improve tissue healing (Berrueta et al. 2016, Bove et al. 2016, Best et al. 2012Cholok et al. 2017, Waters-Banker, et al. 2014).

Massage therapy is simple to carry out, economical, and has very few side effects, so it is worth investigating the effects of massage therapy on post-surgical rehabilitation. Dosage and duration is something that is depending on the stage, and more research on the issue is warranted. 

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Related Research
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Waters-Banker, C., Dupont-Versteegden, E. E., Kitzman, P. H., & Butterfield, T. A. (2014). Investigating the Mechanisms of Massage Efficacy: The Role of Mechanical Immunomodulation. Journal of Athletic Training. (Open Access)