Interesting Research on Soft-Tissue Treatments

Brief Research Note

When researchers are designing massage protocols, most often what is used is general techniques applied to non-specific areas delivered in a resting, or neutral position.

From what I have come across, is that research that uses a dynamic approaching to soft tissue treatments (passively or actively moving the limb through a wide range of motion), often show more positive effects. 

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Ferragut-Garcías, A., Plaza-Manzano, G., ... Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Á. (2017). Effectiveness of a Treatment Involving Soft Tissue Techniques and/or Neural Mobilization Techniques in the Management of Tension-Type Headache: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.

Hopper, D., Deacon, S., Das, S., Jain, A., ..., Briffa K. (2005). Dynamic soft tissue mobilisation increases hamstring flexibility in healthy male subjects. Br J Sports Med.