December 2017 - monthly list of noteworthy finds

Welcome to the December Edition of First Friday

A monthly list of recent noteworthy finds applicable to massage therapy. Posts are designed to be short and will go out the first Friday of every month. 

Tribe of Mentors - Timothy Ferriss

Recent blog posts highlighting research on:
• What are Myofascial Triggerpoints?
• Does Fascia Release? 
• Nerve Mobilizations
• Cupping
• What is a Concussion?

Dr. Helene Langevin: The Science of Stretch

News Article
Clearing Up the Confusion About Salt - The New York Times

Open Access Research
Guo, J., Li, L., Gong, Y., Zhu, R., Xu, J., Zou, J., Chen, X. (2017). Massage Alleviates Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after Strenuous Exercise: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Physiol. (OPEN ACCESS)