Stretching: expert explains how best to do it before and after a workout

Stretching: expert explains how best to do it before and after a workout

“If hammering out those stretches immediately after a workout is the most practical time to incorporate your flexibility training, it certainly isn’t going to do you any harm. And if you are worried about injuries, your best bet is to focus on a thorough warm-up, which may well include a healthy dose of dynamic stretching, too.”

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Self-Care! Why is it so Important?

Self-Care! Why is it so Important?

"We all get feeling overwhelmed whether it’s due to work, school or just life in general. We’ve all been faced with deadlines that seem almost impossible to meet and on top of that our calendars (which seems almost impossible to even look at) are always full of things that should have been done a week ago."

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Does foam rolling actually do any good?

Does foam rolling actually do any good?

"Foam rolling was once for professional athletes only. These days it’s hard to walk into a gym without tripping over somebody rolling around on a neoprene tube. Dedicated classes in hip New York gyms are frequented by the likes of Sarah Jessica Parker and Shakira. Forget protein shakers, resistance bands or Fit Bits: foam rollers are this season’s must-have gym accessory."

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