Does Acupuncture Work by Re-Mapping The Brain?

Does Acupuncture Work by Re-Mapping The Brain?

"Acupuncture is a form of traditional medical therapy that originated in China several thousand years ago. It was developed at a time bereft of tools such as genetic testing or even a modern understanding of anatomy, so medical philosophers did the best they could with what was available – herbs, animal products and rudimentary needles. In the process, perhaps, they stumbled on an effective medical approach."

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Cervicogenic Tinnitus and Manual Therapy

Cervicogenic Tinnitus and Manual Therapy

Massage therapists are uniquely suited to incorporate a number of rehabilitation strategies for patients with Cervicogenic Tinnitus.

Why Does Massage Therapy Work for Cervicogenic Tinnitus?

A biopsychosocial framework helps put into context the interconnected and multidirectional interaction between: physiology, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, culture, and beliefs. In terms of clinical responses to massage therapy there are a couple of proposed mechanisms of action, including but not limited to: neurodynamics, contextually aided recovery, neuromodulation, social grooming and mechanotherapy.

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